Virtual Europe

Plein air in Tuscany, raking light on buildings. Updated art demo & ref pic in download tab

1hr 16min

See download tab for final art demo and reference photo. Day to day, moment to moment the lighting conditions change we talk about this together during the live stream demo of light in the courtyard. Picture in picture in video showns other light conditions for the same scene. Note: the perspective in the photos and art is slightly different (sitting when taking photo, or standing will affect the roofline and upper windows especially).

Use the Tuscan video footage to make a painting or copy the demo. For real-time reference during the livestream, see the later part of the video. Download tab has updated reference available. I was surprised at how much the light changed during the live demo.

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Right click the file and choose "Save As" to save on your computer.

Tuscan Courtyard Art and Photo Ref

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